Tablets and Ebook Reader Growth Almost Doubles Over the Holidays

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According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, tablets and eBook readers were a popular gift this past Christmas (holiday) season.

The share of adults in the United States who own tablet computers nearly doubled from 10% to 19% between mid-December and early January and the same surge in growth also applied to e-book readers, which also jumped from 10% to 19% over the same time period. The number of Americans owning at least one of these digital reading devices jumped from 18% in December to 29% in January.

According to Pew, “the surge in ownership of tablet computers was especially notable among those with higher levels of education and those living in households earning more than $75,000.”

More than a third of those living in households earning more than $75,000 (36%) now own a tablet computer. And almost a third of those with college educations or higher (31%) own the devices. Additionally, those under age 50 saw a particularly significant leap in tablet ownership.

And when it comes to eBook readers, Pew reports:

Ownership of e-readers among women grew more than among men. Those with more education and higher incomes also lead the pack when it comes to e-book ownership, but the gap between them and others isn’t as dramatic. For instance, 19% of those in households earning $30,000-$50,000 have e-book readers. They are 12 percentage points behind those in households earning $75,000 or more in e-book reader ownership. The gap between those income levels on tablet ownership is 20 percentage points.

How about you? Own a tablet or eBook reader? I’ve got an iPad and my wife has an Amazon Kindle… we love both of them. They make accessing content and books so easy, and of course, it’s extremely easy to buy content for them as well. Kind of gets you thinking about the monetization possibilities!

Read the complete report from Pew for more details and charts/graphs.

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