Business Owners Say They’d Pay $500 for Extra Hour a Day

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Wow, that’s some serious dough! $500 for one hour extra per day? According to the infographic below, one quarter of business owners feel that an extra hour a day is worth $500 (25% of those surveyed). Thirty percent (the top ranking) felt that the extra hour was worth $100.

Another interesting finding is that time ranks ahead of resources, such as laptops and mobile phones, on the list of assets most valuable to a business.

Mashable, meanwhile, reports that “Among small business owners polled by an eVoice survey, 71% report working longer hours, and 40% say they take less vacation time than those who are not self-employed.”

Check out the stats below. And small business owners, let me know what you think. What’s your most pressing time management challenge, and would you pay $500 for an extra hour a day?

Infographic "A Matter of Time"

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