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Why Podcast Voice Recordings Suck and The Best Approach to Podcast Voice Messages

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We all realize the power of podcasting. The problem with podcasting however is “connecting” with your audience. You know, being able to get content from your listeners, or even better, getting questions and voice messages from your audience.

Most podcasters use — and podcast hosting platforms even require — piece mill solutions. You know. Using SpeakPipe or a Google Voice number to take recorded calls, then editing them together and figuring out how to add them into your show!

Well, look no furhter. The bCast product team brings a gamechanging feture to your podcast.

  • Have you ever felt like it would be great to include content from your listeners into your show?
  • Maybe you wanted to collect testimonials for your product or service?
  • Or maybe you wanted to record a Q/A episode with your followers?

Well now you can… all with just a couple of clicks. And it’s called Audio Messages.

bCast podcast hosting audio messages

With audio messages you can:

1. Collect audio messages from your listeners by sending them a unique URL.
2. Convert these messages into audio inserts to add them to the start, middle and/or end of one or more of your episodes.
3. Record your own audio messages to quickly add audio into your episodes.

Start collecting audio messages from your podcast listeners, convert those messages into audio inserts for your podcast, and even record your own audio inserts into your show. Learn how. Share on X

If you’re looking for podcast hosting, I recommend bCast, the host for my “TNT Report Podcast.”


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