Fngeen Watch is a new watch brand, a direct to consumer (DTC) watch manufacturer focused on the budget watch market. Fngeen watches come in a variety of colors and styles, are made with quality materials and includes features that make them stand out from the rest. Fngeen watches have many options to choose from, with watches costing less than $40.
According to Exploding Topics, Fngeen is trending largely because their cheap watches are designed to look like luxury watches. One of Fngeen’s best-selling watches is the New Golden watch. Over 700 units have already been sold via their AliExpress store.
Direct to Consumer Timepiece Trend
Exploding Topics adds that Fngeen is part of the DTC Timepieces meta trend. The global watch market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 13% through 2025. Meanwhile, DTC is set to be the main driver of that growth (CAGR of 14%).
Rinsmola, Donerton and Kalinco are other examples of trending DTC timepiece startups.
Fngeen Watch is a new watch brand, a direct to consumer (DTC) watch manufacturer, that is focused on the budget watch market. Share on X
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