Have you heard of the “rule of thirds?”
If you’re a professional photographer or videographer, I’m sure you have.
But what if you are an everyday blogger like me that wants to add good pictures or videos to my website or blog.
What does this thirds rule mean and how can I use it?
Well, just watch this video below for quick tips and an explanation of the rule of thirds and you’ll instantly start taking better still shots and video.
Rule of Thirds
The rule of thirds is like a guideline or rule of thumb if you will to creating better pictures, videos, paintings or other visual elements.
According to Wikipedia, “The guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.”

The rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.
The main reason for observing the rule of thirds is to discourage placement of the subject at the center, or prevent a horizon from appearing to divide the picture in half.
Source: Wikipedia
Now that you know about this rule, there’s no excuse for bad pictures… right?
And the nice thing about today’s cameras is that most everyone uses a digital camera, so there should be no excuse not to snap away. After all, there’s no film to pay for. If you don’t like the shot… just delete it!
If you need some guidance or more photo tips, below are some of the top books on photography from Amazon.