Test Your Marketing IQ

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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he great promise of online business is making money while you sleep.

Everyone dreams of that.

The key of course is having systems that work when you’re not. Technology chugs along on your behalf when you’re doing other things – like having fun, spending time with family, or taking a vacation. If you want to be chained to a chair, please get a corporate job.

But does that mean there’s no work? No. No. No.

The great promise is realized only AFTER the work is done.

But there are some tricks and techniques that help you build those systems to optimize, maximize, and multiply your efforts so that you truly do the work once and get paid forever.

Do you know what they are?

Take this 60-second, 10-question, multiple-choice quiz to help you discover which techniques must be mastered to give you more control and more time.

And it’s actually a lot of fun!

The Marketing IQ Quiz link: jimperson.com/test-my-marketing-iq

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