Oct. 15 Deadline for ScreenChamp Awards Submissions

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TechSmith, the makers of Jing, Camtasia, Snagit and Screencast.com is currently accepting screencast videos for the 2012 ScreenChamp Awards.

Sift through your best work from the past year, or make your first-ever screencast and hope for beginner’s luck. It doesn’t matter when you created it, for what purpose, or what tools you used, we want to see your entry for the 2nd annual ScreenChamp Awards!

You can enter up to three (3) screencast videos using the official entry form. Videos will be assigned a category based on the information provided:

  • Education (videos with a focus on teaching and/or schools, at any level).
  • Tutorial/Training (videos with a focus on training or tutorial content).
  • Sales and Marketing (videos made to sell or persuade).
  • Wildcard (videos that don’t fit in the previous categories).

TechSmith will choose four finalists for each category, all of which will be eligible for a finalist prize. Those videos will then be passed to a panel of celebrity judges for scoring and posted publicly for a popular vote. The judges’ picks will each win an additional category prize…and the popular pick will win Best in Show!

You’ll want to hurry though… the deadline for submissions is Oct. 15.

Learn more | Official rules

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