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Landline Phones Are a Dying Breed

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According to Statista, landline phones are a dying bread.

As smartphones have become a constant companion for most people in the United States, landline phones are rapidly losing their relevance. In 2004, more than 90 percent of U.S. adults lived in households that had an operational landline phone – now it’s less than 40 percent. That’s according to data provided by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, which has been tracking phone ownership in the U.S. as a by-product of its biannual National Health Interview Survey since 2004.

Infographic: Landline Phones Are a Dying Breed | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

If the trend towards mobile phones continues, and there’s little reason to believe it won’t, landline phones could soon become an endangered species, much like the VCR and other technological relics before it.

In 2004, more than 90% of U.S. adults lived in households that had an operational landline phone - now it’s less than 40%. Are landline phones a dying breed? Share on X


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