A landing page is any page that is opened to a potential customer after clicking the call-to-action link.
The main goal of each dedicated landing page within the marketing campaign is to attract as many customers as possible for them to make a purchase. It can either “warm up” a person to make him move further around the website or serve as an attraction to take leading positions among the competitors.
Landing pages are divided into two basic types:
- Lead generation ones: it usually offers potential customers an e-mail address and by communication through it, a person can be converted into a customer.
- Click-through page: this page serves as a transmission from the marketing action to the final destination. Used mainly in e-commerce these pages provide all the necessary information about the product and the way to obtain it, and there is always a call-to-action button to complete the process. (This page is actually a "click-through" page, although I’m not selling anything — just providing an information resource.)
Unfortunately, the average conversion rate of ordinary landing pages is about 5%. Only each 20th customer signs in or buys a product after visiting the page.
By making your landing effective you can decrease expenses on acquiring new clients and increase profits and website ranking.
So how do you make an effective landing page?
Read this great tutorial from Socialnomics and you’ll be on your way to a better designed, higher-converting landing page.