Here’s an interesting quick read about direct mail. Yeah, you know, the stuff that arrives in your physical mail box, not the electronic in box.
This article on Print Buyers International references Karen McCormick, President of Fulfillment Express, who presented on the power of direct mail at the New England Direct Marketing Association recently.
A couple of the key takeaways were that most mail received in a household is read or at least skimmed and that the general feeling is that if it’s really important, most recipients want it sent via postal mail and not electronically.
Do you agree? Is direct mail a better way to reach customers and prospects than email?
Just something to think about, but whatever you decide, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. A good marketing campaign will include multiple ways to reach, and engage, with your audience, including email marketing, physical mail, social media, article marketing, advertising, promotions, news releases, trade shows, etc.