I found this interesting…
According to Gallup, nearly half of U.S. adults (48%) report drinking at least one glass of soda per day, with soda drinkers averaging 2.6 glasses daily. Among those who drink any soda, the average daily amount is 2.6 glasses, with 28% drinking one glass a day, on average, and 20% drinking two or more glasses.
Meanwhile, two in three Americans drink at least one cup of coffee a day, largely unchanged from 1999. Additionally the number of coffee cups consumed by regular coffee drinkers has not increased, and may have even declined, with the average number of reported cups consumed by coffee drinkers registering 2.5 today, compared with 2.9 in 1999.
Interestingly, men and women are about equally likely to drink coffee, however, by 69% to 45%, whites are much more likely than nonwhites to drink it. And there is a significant age skew, with coffee drinking much more prevalent among middle-aged and older Americans than among those aged 18 to 34.
So, what about you? Soda or coffee? What’s your preference, and how many glasses or cups do you consume per day?