Google+ Vanity URLs

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Google+ logoLooks like Google+ is coming on board with vanity URLs. They made the announcement on Monday.

We’ve started rolling out custom URLs to a limited set of verified profiles and pages on Google+. (In fact, now you can find us at While we’re not quite ready for everyone to start claiming their own custom URLs, we plan to expand the availability over time, so stay tuned!

And it’s a good time for me, since I just created my Google+ page yesterday. My page is:

Not that you’ll be able to remember that — hence the reason everyone has been clamoring for vanity URLs. But it looks like the wait may be a little longer, unless you’re a superstar or huge corporation.

At first, we’re introducing custom URLs to a limited number of verified profiles and pages. But over time we plan to offer custom URLs to many more brands and individuals, so please stay tuned!
Saurabh Sharma, Google

There are Google+ URL shorteners out there, including gplus and (example: if you’d like to go ahead and get a more memorable name. My new, shortened URL, though is — much easier to remember!

I created a subdomain at HostGator and simply redirected the subdomain to the long Google+ URL. Hopefully, I can still get an “official” Google+ vanity URL, but if not, adding a simple subdomain re-direct is a great solution.

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